In the nearby village theres a library in an old mill, and I’m having an exhibition there.
I’m showing my graphite drawings and digital collages.
My brain didn’t come up with a name.
So the exhibition is called:
Maria Maanvalo art
In the exhibition you can see both the original graphite drawings and the digital collages I made based on them.
Six graphite drawings and eight digital collages.
The feeling is very different between the two mediums.
Few years ago I wanted to try drawing with graphite because I saw some inspirational fine drawing going on in Instagram. Switching mediums is also refreshing.
Graphite seems a bit dull and too familiar because it relates both to sketching and time in school.
So the approach had to be different. At first I drew very carefully. I was going for fine imprint that didn’t show any mishaps. Since then I have relaxed a bit and now I just draw. Whatevs
At first I didn’t use any references and that turned out to be more challenging that I liked in the finishing lines of the drawing process. So now I use references and i dont’t have to struggle and invent the wheel (face) everytime.
I like the easyness of graphite. It’s just a pencil. And you can create worlds with just that.
Drawing is meditative and calm. I usually draw few hours at a time. Easy on the body too. I don’t know how much time I use for one drawing but it’s a lot.
Drawing cow ears with graphite is my favourite. The ears originate from egyptian goddess Hathor. Who is my favourite among egyptian gods.
Digital was just something I tried. I certainly wasn’t planning on doing digital art. I just wanted to add some color to my drawing for fun, after I had made my first mooncalendar with the same technique (graphite+digital) and found it to be a lot of fun.
Digital is addictive. It really immerses you with the program. It takes over.
I guess it’s the possibilities. The easyness.